ML Basics

Oct 2024

This post covers the foundational knowledge of machine learning (ML). The core of ML is built on probabilistic and statistical modeling, optimization, and linear algebra. Given the breadth of the topic, I won't cover all aspects exhaustively but will highlight key points extracted from the following three books [1, 2, 3]

Table of Content

ML Basics

ML Workflow
  1. Make assumptions and build the model (In Stat, it will involve creating parameters and specifying prior distributions).
  2. Learning (In Stat, referred to as parameter learning and posterior inferences).
    1. Specify a loss function (estimator), e.g., MLE, NLL, MSE
    2. Handle the untackleable terms or parameters (e.g., partition function), using approximation or change of variables.
    3. Solve the loss function with optimization
  3. Inference/testing/prediction
  4. Different names of data and target
    1. Data \(X\): Feature, covariates, predictions
    2. Target \(y\): Label, target, response
  5. Uncertainty of model parameters or prediction: Captured by the distribution variance.
    1. Uncertainty of the prediction: variance of the predictive distribution (softmax)
    2. Uncertainty of the model parameters: variance of the parameter's distribution
Basic Theorems
  1. Curse of dimensionality:
    1. To cover the same fraction of the data space, the number of samples needed increases exponentially as the dimension increase.
    2. To fit high-D data, other than using a large dataset, we can also make assumptions of the data and build models with inductive bias (e.g., hierarchical structure).
  2. No free lunch theorem: No single model works well for all problem
    1. We will need to build different models and conduct model selections.
    2. Well-known trade-offs: Variance and bias, efficiency, model complexity, and generalization, accuracy and transparency
  3. Ockham's Razor: Always try to choose the simplest model (add regularization).
Task, measure, experience
  1. Tasks: Classification, regression, anomaly detection, clustering, factor analysis \(p(x|z,\theta) = \mathcal{N}(x|wx+\mu, \sigma)\), classification/regression with missing value (learn joint distributions and marginal out), synthesis and sampling, imputation of missing values, density estimation
  2. Measurement: accuracy, precision, recall, calibration error, ROC.
  3. Experience: supervised or unsupervised learning.
    1. Unsupervised to supervised: \( p(y|x) = \frac{p(x, y)}{\sum p(x, y')}\).
    2. Supervised to unsupervised: \( p(x) = \prod p(x_i|x_1, ..., x_{i-1}) \).
Risk, Capacity, Overfitting/underfitting
  1. Risks:
    1. Empirical risk: \( \frac{1}{n} \sum_i L(f(x_i)) \).
    2. Population risk: \( \mathbb{E}_{x\sim p} [L(f(x_i))] \).
    3. Structure risk: empirical risk plus regularization.
  2. Capacity: model's ability to fit a wide range of functions (commonly also referred to as complexity). Select different hypothesis spaces to control model capacity.
  3. Errors
    1. Model error: error introduced during model selection, the ability to represent data.
    2. Data error: error introduced during data sampling.
    3. Optimization error: error introduced during learning, the presentation power of the weight.
Description of the image
Bias and variance trade-off. Overfitting means the model has a high training accuracy but performs poorly on the testing set. Underfitting means the model has a low training accuracy (undertrained).

The k-NN model is a good example of understanding the tradeoff figure. When K=1, the model reaches the highest capacity, and the training error is zero; however, the testing error is high given a testing sample may be far from any training data. When K=N, the model has the lowest capacity, and the training error and testing error are all high. Also, consider bias and variance, K=N has the lowest variance and K=1 has the highest variance but the lowest bias.

Double descent: As the model becomes more complex, the testing error may reduce again for a double concave shape. This is typically observed in deep learning models. The reason for such a phenomenon could be when the model reaches zero bias, the model may overfit the noise, shortcuts, and spurious correlations in the training data. As the model becomes more complex, it will learn causal relationships and become generalizable. This indicates we can apply over-parameterization when training deep learning models.

Estimation, Bias, variance

The model training process is also referred to as estimation and there are two types of estimation: point estimation, which finds optimal values for model parameters (typical way of model training ); density estimation, estimate the distribution of model parameters to access uncertainty (less efficient and rarely used).

Bias measures the point estimation error. \( bias(\hat{\theta}) = \mathbb{E}(\hat{\theta}) - \theta \). A good estimator should be unbiased or asymptotically unbiased. Below, we give two examples of how to compute bias.

  1. Mean of Bernoulli distribution: given an estimation of the parameter \( \hat{\theta} = \frac{1}{m}\sum x_i\) (sample mean), the bias is \( \mathbb{E}[\frac{1}{m}\sum x_i] - \theta = 0 \)
  2. Mean of Gaussian distribution: sample mean is also an unbiased estimation of \(\mu \).
  3. Variance of Gaussian distribution: \(\sigma^2 = \mathbb{E}(x^2) - (\mathbb{E}(x))^2 \). Given an estimation \(\hat{\sigma}^2 = \frac{1}{m}\sum_{i} (x_i - \hat{u})^2\), the bias is as follows: $$ \mathbb{E}[\hat{\sigma}^2] - \sigma^2 = \frac{1}{m}\sum_{i} (x_i - \hat{u})^2 - \sigma^2 = \frac{m-1}{m} \sigma^2 - \sigma^2 = -\frac{1}{m}\sigma^2$$ \( \sum_i (\frac{x_i-\hat{\mu}}{\sigma}) \sim \mathcal{X}^2_{m-1} \), where \( \mathcal{X}^2_{m-1} \) refers to the chi-square distribution (sum of the square of the standard Gaussian distribution).

Variance measures the variation of estimation when training data are resampled. There is a trade-off between variance and bias when MSE is used. $$ \mathbb{E}[(\hat{\theta}-\theta)^2] = Bias(\hat{\theta}) + Var(\hat{\theta}) $$

Consistency stands for \(lim_{m \rightarrow \infty} \hat{\theta}_{m} = \theta\). Two other well-known theory: the large-number theory and the central-limit theory.


Maximum likelihood estimation \(\mathbb{E}_{x\sim p_{data}} [\text{log} p_{model}(x;\theta)] \), where \(p_{data}\) is the empirical distribution. It can also be derived by minimizing the KL divergence between \(p_{data}\) and \(p_{data}\), where KL divergence is the typical measurement for distribution difference. Note that KL is asymmetric. MLE requires the data distribution lies in the model family and it is statistically efficient.

MAP estimation \(\mathbb{E}_{x\sim p_{data}} [\text{log} p_{model}(x;\theta)] + \color{red}{\text{log} p(\theta)} \), where \(p(\theta)\) is the prior term. It is equal to regularization terms, when \(\theta\sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2)\), it is equal to weight decay.

Limitation of traditional ML (Open-discussion)
  1. The curse of dimensionality, reliance on local consistency and smoothness assumption.
  2. In a high-D space, the number of samples needed to represent each subspace increases exponentially and the local smoothness assumption may be broken, requiring way more data to represent an entire space.
  3. Deep learning leverages manifold learning to hierarchical structures, where the subspace at each hierarchy can preserve smoothness or is of a lower dimension.

Probability and information theory

Random variables
  1. Discrete random variable (probability mass function): \(p(x=a)=p(a), \sum_a p(a) = 1\)
  2. Continuous random variable (Cumulative/probability density function): \( p(a < x \leq b) = \int_{a}^{b} p(x) dx\)
  3. Mean:
    1. Discrete variable: \(\mathbb{E}[f(x)] = \sum_x g(x)p(x)\)
    2. Continuous variable: \(\mathbb{E}[f(x)] = \int_x f(x)p(x)dx\)
    3. linearity: \( \mathbb{E}[\sum_i x_i] = \sum_i \mathbb{E}[x_i] \)
    4. \(\mathbb{E}[x] = E_{y}[E(x|y)]\)
  4. Variance:
    1. \( V[x] = \mathbb{E}[x^2] - (\mathbb{E}[x])^2 \)
    2. \(V[ax+b] = a^2V[x]\)
    3. \(V[x] = \mathbb{E}_{y}[\mathbb{E}[x^2|y]] - (\mathbb{E}_y[\mathbb{E}[x|y]])^2 = \mathbb{E}_{y}[V[x|y] + V_{y}[E[x|y]] \)
  5. Mode: \( \text{argmax}_{x} p(x)\).
  6. Quantile (inverse CDF): \( F^{-1}(q)\). \( \mu \pm 1.96\sigma\): 95% quantiles of Gaussian.
  1. \( p(A \cup B) = p(A) + p(B) - p(A\cap B); p(AB)=p(A|B)p(B); p(A)=\sum_b p(A|B=b)p(B=b) \)
  2. \( p(x_{1:D}) = p(x_1)p(x_2|x_1)...p(x_D|x_{1...D-1})\)
  3. Independent: \( x \bot y: p(xy)=p(x)p(y)\); \( x \bot y|z: p(x,y|z)=p(x|z)p(y|z)\)=g(x,z)h(y,z)
  4. Bayes' rule: \( p(\theta|D) = \frac{p(D|\theta)p(\theta)}{p(D)} \), e.g., Monty hall problem
Common distributions
  1. Bernoulli (used for classification): logits \(f(x)=xW^T+b\) or \(\text{log} \frac{p}{1-p}\); sigmoid function \(\frac{1}{1+e^{-f(x)}}\)
  2. Categorical (used for classification): softmax function \(p_{c} = \frac{e^{a_c}}{\sum_{c'} e^{a_c'}} \). To prevent overflow or underflow, we apply the log-sum-exp trick.
  3. Binomial and multinomial: repeated experiment of Bernoulli and Multinoulli
  4. Empirical distribution: used to represent \(p_{data}\).
  5. Gaussian distribution: sum of independent variables, used to model residual errors. Linear regression: \(p(y|x,w) = \mathcal{N}(xw^T, \sigma^2)\). Dirac delta function.
  6. Student t distribution: More robust than Gaussian in modeling outliers; Laplace distribution: sparse distribution and have a shape peak.
  7. Beta distribution (\(0\leq x \leq 1\)) and (inverse) Gamma distribution (\( x>0\)): these two distributions are used for Bayesian hierarchical modeling; Beta is used to model the parameter of Bernoulli; InverseGamma is used to model the standard deviation of Gaussian.
Transformation of random variables
  1. Change of variables: \(p_{y}(y) = p_{x}(x)|\text{det}(\frac{dx}{dy})|\); also need to replace x with f(y) in the pdf (e.g., Gaussian)
  2. Monte Carlo approximation: \(\mathbb{E}[f(x)] \approx \bar{f(x_s)}\); Change of variable and MC method is often used to estimate the likelihood term (in variational learning), where we need to sample from an unknown distribution \(p(\theta)\). First, transform \(\theta \) as a function of a standard Gaussian and then use MC to approximate the likelihood.
  3. Linear transformation, convolutional theorem, and central limit theorem (mean of the iid variable follows a Gaussian distribution \(\mathcal{N}(\mu, \frac{\sigma^2}{N})\)), the law of large number (applied to sample mean), chebyshev's inequality
Joint distributions
  1. Covariance and (Pearson) correlation: \( corr[x,y] \in [0,1], x\bot y, corr[x,y]=0; y=ax+b, corr[x,y]=1\). Correlation does not imply causation (spurious correlation). Simpson's paradox: statistical trends appearing in different groups can disappear or reverse when these groups are combined Mutual information measures non-linear relationships.
  2. Multivariate Gaussian: computing \(\Sigma^{-1}\) is \(O(D^3)\), Mahalanobis distance, which measures the geometric shape of the Gaussian PDF (a rotation of Euclidean distance). Marginal and conditional distributions of MVN.
  3. Dirichlet distribution/process: used to model the parameter of the categorical distribution in Bayesian/frequentist hierarchical model.
  4. Exponential family: A abstraction form of a set of distributions, with a partition function \(z(x)\), \(\text{log} z(x)\) is convex because the hessian matrix is non-negative. When describing a distribution where we know \(\mathbb{E}[f(x)] = F\) and the prior distribution \( q(x) \), min\(KL(p|q) + \lambda_0(1-\sum_x p(x)) + \lambda_1(F - \sum p(x)f(x))\), if q is a uniform distribution, p is exponential family (model with the largest entropy).
Information theory
  1. Entropy: \(H(x) = \mathbb{E}_{x\sim p(x)}[-\text{log}p(x)]\).
  2. KL divergence: \(KL(p||q) = \mathbb{E}_{x\sim p(x)}[-\text{log}\frac{p(x)}{q(x)}]\). MLE is equal to maximize \(KL(p_{data}||p_{model})\), where the data distribution is the empirical distribution.
  3. Cross entropy: \(H(p||q) = \mathbb{E}_{x\sim p(x)}[-\text{log}q(x)]\), used for classification loss
  4. Jensen's inequality: \(f(\mathbb{E}[x]) \leq \mathbb{E}[f(x)]\), where \(f(x)\) is convex. Jensen's inequality is important and is widely used in approximation.
  5. Mutual information: \(I(x, y) = H(x) + H(y) - H(x, y)\)


Bayesian statistics
  1. Learning and inference: parameter learning refers to the process of solving model parameters (point estimation); inference refers to the process of quantifying the uncertainty about an unknown quantity from finite samples.
  2. Bayes' rule: \( p(\theta|D) = \frac{p(D|\theta)p(\theta)}{p(D)} \), where \( p(\theta|D) \) is posterior that can quantify the uncertainty (prevent overfitting); predictive distribution \(p(y|x,D) = \int p(y|x,D, \theta) p(\theta|x,D) d\theta\)
  3. Conjugate prior: the prior and posterior follow the same distribution family.
    1. Beta-binomial model: \(p(\theta) = \text{Beta}(\alpha, \beta)\), likelihood: \(p(D|\theta) = \text{Bino}(\theta, N_1, N_0)\), posterior: \(p(\theta|D) = \text{Beta}(\alpha+N_1, \beta+N_0) \); MAP (Mod) \(\frac{\alpha+N_1-1}{\alpha+\beta+N_1+N_0-2}\); MLE: \(\frac{N_1}{N_1+N_0}\)
    2. Mixture of prior: \(p(\theta) = \sum_k p(h=k)p(\theta|h=k)\).
    3. Dirichlet-multinomial model and Gaussian-Gaussian model.
  4. Non-informative priors (Jeffreys priors), hierarchical/empirical prior (used in probabilistic graphic models), Robust priors (heavy tail)
  5. Fisher information: variance of the score function, measuring the curvature of the likelihood.
  6. Credible intervals, mapping to confidence intervals in frequentists.
  1. MLE: \(\text{argmax} p(D|\theta)\).
  2. Empirical Bayes: \(\text{argmax}_{\phi} \ p(D|\phi) = \int p(D|\theta) p(\theta|\phi) d\theta\).
  3. MAP: \(\text{argmax}_{\phi} \ p(D|\phi) p(\phi) = \int p(D|\theta) p(\theta|\phi)p(\phi)d\theta\).
  4. Full Bayesian: \( p(\theta, \phi|D) \propto p(D|\theta) p(\theta|\phi)p(\phi)\).
Bayesian statistics/ML
  1. Model examples: logistic regression, mixture Gaussian model.
  2. Approximation and scale up: compute \(p(\theta|D), p(y|x, \theta)\) in an efficient way. Only in a few cases the posterior can be computed exactly (e.g., conjugate prior)
    1. Grid approximation: discretize a continuous distribution.
    2. Laplace approximation: Approximate \( p(D|\theta) \) with a multivariate Gaussian, \( p(D|\theta) = \frac{1}{Z}e^{\epsilon(\theta)} \), where \(\epsilon(\theta) = -\text{log}p(\theta, D)\) is the energy function and \(Z=p(D)\) is the partition function. \(p(\theta|D) = \mathcal{N}(\hat{\theta}, H^{-1})\), where \(\hat{\theta}\) is the mode.
    3. Variational approximation (Biased): \(\text{argmin} KL(q(\theta)|p(\theta|D))\). \(q(\theta)\) is the variational distribution.
    4. MCMC: \(q(\theta) = \frac{1}{s}\sum_s\delta(\theta-\theta_s)\) is the MC approximation of \(p(\theta|D))\). Sample \(\theta_s \sim p(\theta|D))\) without evaluating \(p(D)\).
  3. Bayesian decision theory: choose the right predictions
    1. Basis: Loss function \(L(H, a)\), where \(H\) and \(a\) represents states and actions. Posterior expected loss \(R(a|x) = E_{p(h|x)} [L(h,a)]\).
    2. Loss and measurement for classification: zero-one loss (adjust the threshold based on the loss for balancing FP and FN), precision, recall, F1, false discovery rate (per class accuracy), RoC curves, calibration errors.
    3. Regression losses: \(L_1, L_2\), and Huber loss (combination of \(L_1 \& L_2\) )
    4. Some other related topics: Bayesian hypothesis testing (Bayesian t-test, assume data is fixed and compute posterior for testing), model selection, cross-validation, information criteria (BIC, AIC)
Frequentist statistics
  1. Basis: Do not treat model parameters as random variables but measure uncertainty by calculating how a quantity estimated from data would change if the data changes; Frequentist: data is changing in different trials but parameters are fixed (Bayesian: data is fixed but parameters are random variables )
  2. Sampling distribution of an estimator (estimate uncertainty):
    1. Estimator: Decision procedure that specifies what actions to take given data \((\theta = \pi(D))\)
    2. Sampling distribution: The distribution of results if we apply the estimator multiple times to different datasets sampled from the same distribution \(p(\pi(\tilde{D}))=\theta|\tilde{D}\sim\theta^*) \approx \frac{1}{s}\sum_s\delta(\theta=\pi(D))\), where \(\theta^*\) is the true distribution and D represents the sampled data
    3. When using MLE as the estimator and the sample size is large, the sampling distribution is Gaussian for some model $$ \mathcal{N}(\theta|\theta^*, (NF(\theta^*))^{-1}), F(\theta^*) = E_{p(x|\theta)} [\triangledown \text{log} p(x|\theta) \triangledown \text{log} p(x|\theta)^{T}] $$ A high Determinant of the Fisher matrix means high log-likelihood curvature, and the sampling distribution has a low variance (robust to repeated trials).
  3. Bootstrap approximation of the sampling distribution (parametric or non-parameter), Bootstrap is equivalent to the posterior of a non-informative prior
  4. Confidence interval (Different from credible interval): \(p(L(\tilde{D}) \leq \theta \leq U(\tilde{D})|\tilde{D}\sim\theta^*) = 1 - \alpha\); frequentist hypothesis testing (Define the null hypothesis and compute the p-value, i.e., the probability under the null hypothesis of observing a test)
  5. Frequentist decision theory: Risk \(\mathbb{E}_{p(x|\theta)}[l(\theta, \pi(x))]\), empirical risk, structure risk, regularization risk, MLE

Linear Algebra and Optimization

Vector and matrix
  1. Vector norm: \(||x||_{p} = (\sum_i |x_i|^{p})^{1/p}\)
  2. Matrix norm: \(||A||_{F} = \sqrt{\sum_{ij}A_{ij}^2}\)
  3. Special norm: diag matrix, Orthogonal matrix, symmetric matrix
  4. Trace: \(Tr(A) = \sum_{i} A_{i,i}, ||A||_{F} = \sqrt{Tr(AA^{T})}, Tr(\prod_{i} F^{(i)}) = Tr(F^{(n)}\prod_{i=1}^{n-1} F^{(i)}) \)
Linear equation
  1. \( C=AB C_{ij} = \sum_k A_{ik}B_{kj}\)
  2. \( Ax=b; r=m=n, x=A^{-1}b\); r=m < n infinite solutions; r = n < m, no solution
  3. Linear dependence and span:\(Ax = \sum_i x_i A_{:,i} \), span of the column space of A
  4. Engindecomposition: \(Av = \lambda v\), positive definite matrix
  5. SVD: \(A = UDV^{T}\), \(AA^{T} = UDD^{T}U^{T}\), can be used for dimension reduction (i.e., remove the part of the matrix that has a low eigen/singular value)
  6. Other decomposition: FU, QR, Cholesky
Optimization basics
  1. local vs. global optimum; flat local optimum \(L(\theta) \ge L(\theta^*)\); strict local optimum \(L(\theta) > L(\theta^*)\)
  2. Necessary condition for local optimum: \(f'(\theta) = 0\), Sufficient condition: \(f'(\theta) = 0\) and \(f''(\theta) \ge 0\) or Hessian is positive definite, saddle points: \(f'(\theta) = 0\) but Hessian can be negative
  3. Constrained and unconstrained optimization: feasible set \(C = \{ \theta: g_{i}(\theta) \ge 0: j \in \mathcal{I}; h_{k}(\theta) = 0 : k \in \varepsilon \}\), \(\text{argmin}_{\theta \in \mathcal{C}} L(\theta) \)
  4. Convex and nonconvex: Convex set: for any \(x, x' \in \mathcal{S}\), \(\lambda x + (1-\lambda) x' \in \mathcal{S}\); Convex function: for any \(x, y \in \mathcal{S}\) and for any \(0 \leq \lambda \leq 1 \): \(f(\lambda x + (1-\lambda)y) \leq \lambda f(x) + (1-\lambda)f(y) \); \(f\) is convex if and only iff \(f''(x) \ge x \) for all \(x\)
  5. Smooth and nonsmooth: The objective and constraints are continuously differentiable \(|f(x_1) - f(x_2)| \leq L|x_1 - x_2|\); Nonsmooth: at some points, the gradient is not well defined.
Optimization methods
  1. Gradient descent, stochastic gradient descent, mini-batch gradient descent
  2. Momentum: \(m_t = \beta m_{t-1} + (1-\beta) g_{t}, \theta_t = \theta_{t-1} - \eta_t m_t\); move faster along the direction that were previously good; Nesterov momentum
  3. Second-order methods: Newton's method, BFGS (move faster but more costly than first-order)
  4. More advanced methods with momentum and lr changes: AdaGrad, RMSprop, Adam
  5. Constrained optimization: KKT and Lagrange - transform constrained optimization into unconstrained optimization or Proximal gradient method - take a step in the gradient direction and project the result into a space that respects the constraints (proximal operator), e.g., projected gradient descent.
  6. Box optimization: \(\theta^{t+1} = \text{argmax} Q(\theta, \theta^{t})\), e.g., EM, PPO, TRPO
Numerical computation
  1. Prevent underflow/overflow rounding error: \(\text{softmax}(z), z = x-\text{max}\), logsumexp trick
  2. Poor conditioning: the objective function is sensitive to the small changes in the inputs.
  title   = {Machine Learning Basics},
  author  = {Guo, Wenbo},
  journal = {},
  year    = {2024},
  url     = {}