- CS 291K: Trustworthy ML in Security
Instructor, UCSB, Spring 2024, Winter 2025
- CS 529: Security Analytics
Instructor, Purdue, Fall 2023
- CYBER 366: Malware Analytics
Instructor/Teaching Assistant, Penn State, Fall 2019
Awarded the Excellent Teaching Award
- Neural Network, Fuzzy Control and Expert System
Teaching Assistant, SJTU, Spring 2015
- Program Committee Member:
- USENIX Security'24
- CCS'24, CCS'23, CCS'22, CCS'21
- ICLR'24, ICLR'23, ICLR'22
- ICML'24, ICML'23, ICML'22, ICML'21
- NeurIPS'24, NeurIPS'23, NeurIPS'22, NeurIPS'21
- S&P'23 (Poster PC), S&P'23 (Poster PC), S&P'21 (Shadow PC)
- AAAI'23, AAAI'22, AAAI'21
- RAID'22
- Conference/Workshop/Tutorial Organizer:
- SIGCOMM'23 Tutorial: Closed-Loop “ML for Networks” Pipelines
- MLsys'23 (Workflow Chair)
- Journal Reviewer:
- IEEE Access
- Artificial Intelligence
- ACM Transaction on the Web
- Transactions on Machine Learning Research
- ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security
- ACM Transaction on Cyber-Physical Systems
- IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
- IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing
- IEEE Transactions on Neural Network and Learning Systems
- IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence