I am documenting and posting my learning, reading, and coding notes. Half of these notes are about my personal experiences and insights in ML, security, and coding. I have developed a habit of systematically taking notes whenever I learn about a new set of knowledge. This practice has helped me a lot in quickly understanding a new field, capturing key points, and facilitating future review. Previously, I kept these notes private, but I will now reorganize and share them publicly. Hope they can be helpful to broader audois who are interested in the related topics.

I also consider it important to maintain a paper list for each research topic I am working on. By reading, summarizing, and categorizing these papers, I can gain a comprehensive understanding of the SOTAs, identify their limitations, and uncover new opportunities. With the support of my excellent students and collaborators, my group maintains multiple paper lists related to our research interests and ongoing projects. We also decide to share these lists publicly to benefit the broader community. I hope they will be useful for your research as well~

Learning and coding notes

Paper lists